Zero Food Waste Update: Week Three

  • Jul 31, 2020
  • By Glice Manlangit

Zero Food Waste Update Week Three

Staying true to our commitment to donate our unsold goods after every market day, we reached out to two beneficiaries this week. This covers for market days July 22-26.

As part of our continuous efforts to implement our Zero Food Waste program, we have been in search of partner organizations who welcome our donations of fruits and vegetables.

Jeepney Drivers

Since the imposed government lockdown last March 2020, public utility vehicles have been banned. The jeepney drivers who rely on their daily trips to feed their family have been largely affected by this four-month long ban.

At present, there are around 55,000-70,000 jeepney drivers in Metro Manila who have lost their daily income. Some did craft projects like making cabinets and household furniture. Unfortunately for some, especially to those who lack the basic resources, have resorted to begging on the streets.

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Along CP Garcia, Quezon City, some jeepney drivers have held up signs asking for food for their hungry stomach. This has led our friend, Mia, to organize a donation drive to help out these drivers. There are around 40 members in their small association of jeepney drivers.

Last July 27, Ecosprout gave all of its unsold goods from our market days of the previous week to the jeepney drivers in Quezon City.

Help us give more. Order your fresh produce weekly. 


If you wish to donate more, please get in touch with us through Pat at +639672317786.

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